Sani or Saturn represents longevity, discipline, authority, ambition, leadership, honesty, perfection, humility, elders, denial, delays, misery, adversity, accidents, conservatism and dutifulness. It’s role is often symbolized as a servant. It’s influence is often seen as restrictive or obstructive yet its influence also seeks to bring balance.

It’s influences may be harmonized by the blue sapphire. Sani is furthest from the Sun. Sani or Saturn in the human physiology is expressed through the activities of the putamen. The putamen, like Sani in the solar system, is placed at the outer edge of the basal ganglia. It’s influence, like Sani, is that of a servant. It receives major input and instructions that it transmits to the basal ganglia. Has the color of red smoke or honey. Also zericon, chemically it is silicate of zirconium and crystal and occurs either as a four sided prism or as water pebbles. To be consider auspicious, the stone should reflect a pure color, be homogenous and soft to touch. Blue Sapphire is a very strong gem and its’ use can be adverse sometimes. It’s wearing purifies the mind. The mind is charged with virtuous thoughts and positive attitude. Sapphire is worn to protect one from evil effect of Saturn.

Blue sapphire is an expensive gem and gives tremedous benefits to the wearer. Blue sapphire can be worn with a great advantage by heart patients, Blue sapphire also protects the wearers against risks of accidents and against the dangers of fire, strom and natural calamites. Blue sapphire protects the wearer from unexpected happenings and natural calamities and ensures greater financial statbilty. Blue sapphire can cause sudden upturn in business and change the life pattern of the wearer for good.

Gemological Properties
Chemical Composition AL2O3 + Fe
Color Light blue to dark blue, violetish-blue, greenish-blue, steely-blue, color change from blue or greenish blue to violet-purple.
Hardness 9
Refractive Index 1.762-1.77
Species Strong dichroism
Density Around 4
Birefringence 0.008
Occurence Sri Lanka, Thailand (Kanchanaburi), Cambodia (Pailin), Burma, Kashmir, Australia (Anakie), Tanzania, Madagascar, USA (Montana, Yogo Gulch).
Astrological-Healing Properties
Planet Saturn
Cosmic Color Violet
Number 8
Day Saturday
Time Sunset
Chakra 4th, Arahata
Red Coral Mantra Aum sham shanaiascaraya namah
repeated 23 times at the time of wearing a Saturn talisman.
Signs of a well-placed Jupiter Wisdom, integrity, discipline, spiritual achievement trough humility, patience, dedication and non-attachment. Saturn also govern leadership and perfection, highest human qualities, long life
Signs of an afflicted Jupiter Misery, adversity, sorrows, restrictions, denials, delays, accidents, chronic diseases, thefts, being a thief
Prevention of the following diseases Paralysis, asthma, rheumatisms, teeth problems, bones problems
Element Air
Sign Capricorn
Sanskrit Names Nilam, Blue sapphire, Nila-mani, Blue jewel, Indra-nilam, Royal blue gem, Sani-ratna, Saturn’s gem.